Wild boar

Wild boar roast - Hardcover

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About the product

The hardback boar roast is a very good and affordable everyday game. We've rolled the boar steak up in a cooking net so that you can cook it at an even temperature.

The roast is not as nice as our wild boar loin, but it is guaranteed to be a very tasty and healthy everyday roast. Try our recipe for for wild boar meat in the oven or the slightly more advanced recipe "Boneless whole roast" (page 127) from the cookbook Kocken och jägaren.

The wild boar has been hunted in the forests around Lindesberg in Bergslagen and then transported directly to our local game processing plant. It is a tender and healthy piece of meat that is often best cooked in a simple way to really bring out the strong game flavour in the meat.

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        Customer Reviews

        Based on 13 reviews
        Kjell B. (Ojebyn, SE)
        Wild boar steak

        I haven't cooked it yet, but I'm going to smoke it later.
        I'm sure it will be good./ Kjell

        Stefan A.E. (Stockholm, SE)

        This must be planned, it is not everyday food for the dirty jar, this will be a couple of gala dinners but some good friends, can't wait

        Monica N. (Stockholm, SE)

        Not eaten the roast yet. It will be a while.

        Torbjörn J. (Umeå, SE)

        Wild boar roast - Hardcover

        Elisabeth A. (Stockholm, SE)

        Very happy with the purchase and fast delivery.Will keep you in mind when the barbecue season begins.Merry Christmas from a very satisfied customer.

        High quality game meat

        Our concept is to offer the best game meat available, directly to you, the end customer. We make sure you can buy the cuts that are otherwise only sold to wholesalers and fine restaurants.

        100% natural

        We would argue that there is no meat in the world that is as gentle on animals, requires so little of the earth's resources to produce, and has such a low carbon footprint as Swedish game meat.

        A healthy alternative

        Game meat is naturally lean and nutritious because the animals live a free range life and graze naturally. This makes for a cleaner and healthier meat choice.